Five Ways to Style African Wardrobe

Culture expresses itself via fashion. It's simpler to accept novel fashions and behaviors from across the globe when one has a better grasp of how they came to be. Therefore, as soon as African apparel appeared on the runways, shoppers rushed to get their hands on the new trend. But how can you make your at-home collection of African apparel, like an African print shirt , seem like it was bought just for you? Here are a few suggestions. Prints and patterns If the design on your African dress isn't very bold compared to the rest of your wardrobe, consider accessorizing with something that is. If you're tired of wearing just black, try mixing things up with a geometric design. Combining your African print shirt with a timeless, light -colored fabric is another option. You may add some flair to your regular wardrobe with the help of the contrast between the two designs. Combine with different fabrics Cotton may be the most...